
Mission Statement: The Putnam County Hospice and Palliative Care Association (PCHPCA) seeks to enhance the quality of life for the terminally ill, their loved ones, and caregivers, by educating the Putnam County community about the benefits of hospice, palliative care, and advance care planning.

Putnam County Hospice and Palliative Care Association (the “Association”) is pleased to release its 2022 annual report to the community, and reports that it accomplished a great deal in 2022 both for the community and to strengthen itself as an organization. Highlights of the year are provided below, and in-depth committee activities and accomplishments follow.

In addition to its ongoing programs and activities, 2022 highlights include the following:

  1. The Putnam County Commissioners provided a grant of $21,000 to the Association through the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This funding is restricted to the purchase of Vital Medical Information File materials. Materials were purchased for 6,250 Files at a cost totaling $22,733.66, which exceeded the grant award by $1,733.66, and was covered by other Association funding. The grant requires that materials be distributed by December 31, 2026 -$1,562 files per year for the next four years. In 2022, the Association distributed nearly 1000 Vital Medical Information Files, and will need to increase its efforts to be successful by the grant deadline.
  2. The Association developed a new free resource folder and materials for seriously ill patients and their caregivers. These folders are intended to be a tool for healthcare providers to use when introducing hospice and palliative care to a patient/family, as well as provide information and support for those caring for a seriously ill person. The Association began distributing the folders in November 2022 as part of its recognition of National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. Forty-seven folders have been distributed so far, and the Association has received a very positive initial response to the information provided.
  3. Monthly remote advance healthcare planning Lunch and Learn opportunities were initiated in May 2022. They occur on the second Wednesday of the month from Noon to 1 PM and will continue to be offered monthly in 2023.
  4. The Association received an opportunity to participate in a National Institute of Health “Project Talk,” research project that seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of different instruments in encouraging completion of advance directives. 
  5. The Association’s website was enhanced by increasing the visibility and clarity of its navigation buttons, providing direct access to advance directive forms, and direct access to content of the Vital Medical Information Files. The Vital Medical Information File was given greater visibility in the navigation buttons, and in the rotating banners that appear on the home page. Two caregiver videos created by the Association in 2021 were added to the Hospice and Palliative Care sections of the website.
  6. In October, the Association offered two remote workshops on the Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) form to local advance healthcare planning conversation facilitators and members of the healthcare community. Five persons attended the POST workshop on October 14, and two attended on October 18. 
  7. The Association made 18 community presentations to various audiences in 2022. Presentation survey results indicate that audiences found the presentations valuable.
  8. In accordance with the strategic plan, the Association created two new organizational policies (“Internal Financial Controls” and “Consumer Feedback Policy”) and reviewed and updated more. It also implemented utilizing a consent agenda to streamline board meetings.

PCHPCA is a nonprofit, public charity, and operates with the help of donations, financial support from the Putnam County Community Foundation, and fiscal sponsorship by the Putnam County Hospital. For more information contact Elaine Peck, Director, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit

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Putnam County Hospital
1542 S. Bloomington Street
Greencastle, IN 46135
T: 765.301.7614
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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