When To Review And Update Advance Directives: The Six D’s

It is normal for personal healthcare preferences to change as medical science advances and as a person’s
age, health, and life-situation changes.


Good advance care planning for healthcare is always a continuing conversation and a work in progress.  That’s because circumstances change, and lives change.  One’s values and priorities may even change.   If you are mentally competent and able to communicate, you may change or cancel your advance directive at any time. 

The American Bar Association recommends that individuals revisit and discuss their advance care plans and documents whenever any of the “six Ds” occur:

  1. You reach a new DECADE in age.
  2. You experience the DEATH of a loved one.
  3. You experience a DIVORCE.
  4. You receive a DIAGNOSIS of a significant health condition.
  5. You experience a significant DECLINE in your functional condition.
  6. You change your DOMICILE, or someone moves in with you.


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